Claudia Palazzo
Open Research Residency Holder
Tell us about yourself
In her work as a dancer Claudia has performed in a wide variety of contexts and has spent a long time on the club scene. Palazzo has worked with Carlos Motta, Complicité, Franko B, Ann-Liv Young, Jamila Johnson-Small/SERAFINE1369, Eddie Peake, Cyberdog, Carlos Maria Romero, Sinead O’Connor, Lucy McCormick, Marisa Carnesky, Rhiannon Faith Company, Michael Dean and many others. She also works as a mentor, is a member of The LipSinkers, queer performance and activism collective SPIT and was Artist and Dancer in residence at GROW Tottenham 2019-2020.
Claudia made her first choreographic work ‘gone to the dogs (that ain’t gold)’ in 2018, supported by SPILL festival, Chisenhale Dance Space and Marlborough Theatre. As artist in residence at GROW Tottenham, she created participatory performance work ‘this foreign mansion’ that was shared weeks before the first lockdown. During 2021 she collaborated with musician Conrad Kira to create ‘Vertebral disc’, a BUZZCUT and Tramway supported immersive installation for one household at a time, with Claudia represented in the space by a concrete mixer. They are both continuing to collaborate and hope to develop the ideas of this installation into a performance work.
Tell us about your proposed research/project
I will be researching my dance/artistic practice in the new context of my new dancing body and exploring a collaborative relationship with musician/producer Conrad Kira. Our enquiries are around urban healing, notions of mobility and the impact and absorption of body, sound, cement and concrete.
What do you think are the benefits of working with FABRIC in a Midlands context?
I’m really excited to be working with FABRIC in Nottingham and Birmingham as we both venture into new collaborations. It feels important to be supported to leave my city and grow with new perspectives and landscapes at this time.