FABRIC are excitied to announce three CPD day oppourtunities for school educators to equip them with the tools they need to incorporate dance into their curriculum and to work with young people, both in workshop environments and when working towards creating performances.
Continuing Professional Development Day with James Cousins Company
The day will be delivered by James Cousins Company. It will look to equip participants with a choreographic tool kit to support working creatively with young people, both in workshop environments and when working towards creating performances. They will also explore themes from their work Within Her Eyes, a compulsory study for GCSE dance.
Thursday 24 November 2022
Time: 10am – 3pm
Cost: £10
Venue: iC4C, Nottingham
The day will be aimed at Secondary level teachers, specialist and non-specialist and independent dance artists who are leading sessions with young people.
Refreshments and lunch included.
Booking is essential.
Dance in Primary Schools Workshop
An afternoon session aimed at those teaching within primary education settings. The session will give teachers a toolkit of creative dance activities to use with children and young people and how you can incorporate dance into your curriculum.
Tuesday 29 November 2022
Time: 3 – 5:30pm
Cost: £5
Venue: Dance Hub Birmingham
Suitable for non-specialists as well as those with some dance experience. We hope the workshop will ‘demystify’ the process of planning and delivering engaging dance lessons for the non-specialist teacher, whilst providing fresh and updated skills for those with more experience.
The session will be led by Birmingham based dance education specialist, Jack Wallace
Dance in Primary Schools Workshop
This session will give teachers a toolkit of creative dance activities to use with children and young people and explore how you can incorporate dance into your curriculum.
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Time: 2 – 4.30pm
Cost: £5
Venue: iC4C
Suitable for non-specialists as well as those with some dance experience. We hope the workshop will ‘demystify’ the process of planning and delivering engaging dance lessons for the non-specialist teacher, whilst providing fresh and updated skills for those with more experience.
The session will be led by Derbyshire based dance education specialist, Claire Pring.
Light refreshments will be included.