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Published on: Thursday November 12, 2015

November 12, 2015

Jerwood Choreographic Research project is set to continue

Jerwood Charitable FoundationAW2-175 has awarded £55,000 of match funding for the second phase of the innovative Jerwood Choreographic Research Project (JCRP).

The JCRP is a National Dance Network initiative, led and delivered by the Birmingham-based dance house DanceXchange. The new funding announcement will build on the first JCRP (2013-15) which was also supported by £50k match funding from Jerwood Charitable Foundation, and raised an additional £83k from 32 producing partners, attracting 417 applications from artists and creatives of which 12 were supported.

The second phase will run from autumn 2015 – summer 2017 with the core aim of attracting investment from non-dance producing partners, facilitating both a broader dialogue and the championing of choreographic development. In the current climate of reduced funding for the arts, particularly for pure artistic research, the JCRP is establishing a new culture of investment, bringing together a wide range of investors as producing partners from across the cultural sector.

The outcome will be a range of innovative choreographic research projects funded, produced and championed by a unique group of cross-arts producers, which will be shared with the wider arts and cultural sector throughout 2015/16.
